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We ALL Need Women!!

First published on LinkedIn.

Despite modest progress, women are still drastically underrepresented in leadership roles. Source: Women in the Workplace 2022, LeanIn.Org and McKinsey & Co. 2022

After 3 years since the global pandemic, women still lack the needed support to return to pre-pandemic work levels. As of the start of 2023, more than 10 percent of Fortune 500 companies are finally being led by awesome women! However, there's a broken rung holding women back in their climb to first-level manager positions. For every 100 men promoted, only 87 women make it, and just 82 women of color.

Despite modest progress, women are still drastically underrepresented in leadership roles. Source: Women in the Workplace 2022, LeanIn.Org and McKinsey & Co. 2022

This creates an imbalance where men outnumber women in managerial roles, making it tough for women to catch up. McKinsey found that women leaders are leaving their companies at a higher rate than men. Latinas and Black women face some tough challenges too, like feeling less supported in their career development and experiencing lower psychological safety. It's also a bummer that women, especially those in leadership, often carry the heaviest load in terms of family and household responsibilities. Let's keep working together to make things more equal!

As a society, we talk about gender equality and women's rights, but we shouldn't forget that supporting caregivers is a crucial part of that initiative, but it seems like it's being overlooked. Also, let's give a shout-out to transgender women, who bring a unique perspective on gender! LGBTQ+ issues and women's rights are tightly linked together. Unfortunately, LGBTQ+ women and women with disabilities often experience more demeaning microaggressions, like comments about their appearance.

It's essential to create inclusive workplaces that support everyone's needs, including those of different genders, races, abilities, and cultural backgrounds.

4 Things Employers Can Do To Show Support:

  • Offer Flexible Schedules: Remote or hybrid work options have been a huge benefit for women's job satisfaction and reducing microaggressions.

  • Provide Paid Family Leave For All: Include paternity leave so that men can also take time off to care for their families.

  • Support Leadership Opportunities For Women: Create a culture that's more inclusive of women's experiences.

  • Provide Resources: Mental health support, Employee Resource or Affinity Groups, and other benefits are ways to ensure employees' well-being. Let's show we care and make sure women feel comfortable discussing their mental health in the workplace.

In Corporate America, women hold about 25% of the C-suite positions, and even worse, just 5% are women of color! And yet women in the workplace are total game-changers! They bring so much to the table, from driving innovation to making teams more effective and engaged.

So...let's see more women leaders NOW, please!!


  • National Black Business Month: This is a time to recognize and support Black-owned businesses and entrepreneurs across the country. The annual celebration was created in 2004 when historian John William Templeton and engineer Fredrick E. Jordan partnered to advance the policies affecting 2.6 million African American businesses and develop greater economic freedom for Black communities. This month we reflect on the history of Black entrepreneurship, their impact on the United States economy, and the resilience of the Black community.

  • International Day of the World’s Indigenous People - Aug 9: This day pays tribute to the indigenous communities of the world. The latest data reveals that there are about 370 to 500 million indigenous people living in 90 countries. These communities are noted to have their own unique set of languages, traditions, cultures, and governing systems.

  • Moms Equal Pay Day - Aug 15: Moms working full-time, year-round are paid 74 cents and all earners (including part-time and seasonal) are paid 62 cents for every dollar paid to dads.

  • World Humanitarian Day - Aug 19: Honors humanitarian aid workers all over the world. Established by the UN in 2009, this day commemorates the anniversary of the bombing of the United Nations headquarters in Iraq. As a result of the bombing, 22 people lost their lives, including the UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights.

  • International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade - Aug 23: This day raises awareness about the horrifying nature of the slave trade and reminds people about the transatlantic slave trade and its implications.

  • Women’s Equality Day - Aug 26: Celebrates the achievements of women’s rights activists and reminds us of the unique daily struggles that women face. To make sure women are not oppressed by anyone, we need to empower them with education and to support their education they require funds that can help build a base for their strong future.

Until next month... Be well and stay safe & healthy!


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