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Calling all ALLIES...We need you!! Happy Pride Month!

First published on LinkedIn.

“Inclusion is not a matter of political correctness. It is the key to growth.” — Jesse Jackson

For June's LGBTQ+ Pride Month, let's all work to get uncomfortable! How many of the people you interact with on a daily basis look or think like you? As I tell my clients...get uncomfortable! Expand your social network. Do it with a little sweat on your upper lip and with your knees knocking...but make an effort to meet people where they are, with a sense of empathy and compassion. You may be surprised to learn just how 'human' we all are!

I, too, am still on a journey of growth.

On May 25th, we observed the one year anniversary of the murder of George Floyd. He was not the first, but his impact will be carried forward with us – some for the rest of our lives. This year's Juneteenth observation, I ask you to reflect on one year ago: Do you feel like you've grown and become a better Ally?

If what Mellody Hobson, co-CEO of Ariel Investments and Chairwoman of Starbucks, says is true, that Civil Rights 3.0 is just around the corner, then perhaps we're in the middle of it now...right?

We need ALLIES to step up because there will always be forces against change. The recent ban on gender-affirming treatments is clear evidence that the long fight isn't over. To the credit of lawmakers, we found supporters in powerful places. Let's follow their example and do our part in the workplace. When business leaders utilize their privilege and stick their necks out, it isn't a benevolent gesture; but rather, it's about being a transparent and accountable leader. To learn what true Allyship means, view my KTLA interview where I share my proprietary acronym for A.L.L.Y.

I know for myself, there is still so much to learn and understand. If innovation is necessary for an organization to grow, then diversity in itself is a must in order to remain competitive. There is a whole set of language and skills to learn if you are to become a true Ally in the workplace. After all, you're the C-E-O of Y-O-U! And if you're feeling overwhelmed with where to start...I've been compiling a list of helpful resources to help.

Until next time...stay safe & be healthy!


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