First published on LinkedIn.
Over the weekend, I published a poll asking about discussing mental health at work...
What do mental health & wellness have to do with a psychologically safe workplace? May is Mental Health Awareness Month and I can't help but wonder how these two independent notions interact with each other. As I say in my bias training on Unconscious vs. Implicit Bias, a psychologically safe workplace and good mental health & well-being go hand-in-hand. They support each other – and are two sides of the same coin.
This month is also Asian-American, Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islanders (AANHPI) History Month, so we also have to examine the Intersectionality of that as well. Businesses and the workplace remain as the top sites of discrimination for AANHPI individuals. Here are some statistics about how a psychologically safe workplace (or lack thereof) can impact this workplace community:
In 2021, around 30% of AANHPI employees reported experiencing racial discrimination at work, where hateful language (i.e., a Microaggression) constituted nearly half of the instances reported.
64% of women are exposed to Microaggressions in the workplace with non-white (and particularly BIPOC) women experiencing it more than any other workplace community.
AANHPI adults seek mental health services less than any other group. They are almost three times less likely than white adults to seek these services for unmet needs.
Poor mental health & wellness is thought to affect up to one in six workers, which ultimately contributes to the lack of employee engagement, motivation and productivity.
By sharing these facts, my hope is that you will explore these statistics further. Ask yourself, what are the lingering affects for those who are marginalized even within these communities, such as women of color, or those with different abilities? This is why I say the work in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging is ever evolving...because there will always be new ways to further support all employees, and different perspectives in viewing individuals and how they show up at work.
Don't miss the Equal Pay Days this month! May 3rd is Asian-American Women's Equal Pay Day and May 5th is Mom's Equal Pay Day. Asian women make $0.75 for every $1 made by white men and around 1/4 of working moms say they have turned down a promotion due to balancing childcare and work. What percentage of your workforce do these numbers impact?
May 21 is the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, a day set aside by the UN as an opportunity to deepen our understanding of the values of cultural diversity and learn to love together in harmony.
Until next month... Be well and stay safe & healthy!