
Sep 1, 2022

"Too Busy"​ Or Not Focused Enough? How Transparency Is Key In Accelerating DEIB.

Updated: Sep 29, 2022

First published on LinkedIn.

For this month's poll I asked all of you about transparency between you and your manager, a key component to progress in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (DEIB) initiatives.

As I often say to my clients, middle managers have the BIGGEST impact in how DEIB is driven throughout the organization. They have the highest and most frequent touchpoints with employees. When looking for key stakeholders who have an "ear to the ground" for your DEIB Council or Taskforce...recruit these individuals!!

HOWEVER, there was also a SHRM study that reported 41% of managers are "too busy" to implement DEIB initiatives... are we too busy or is it a lack of strategic alignment and business priorities?

Middle management and senior/upper level management need to walk hand-in-hand on DEIB. Since the work is about transforming culture, make sure your team is staying accountable and doing it TOGETHER.

Every individual in the organization can be considered a key stakeholder – it's how we communicate, lead by example (because we are all leaders), and hold ourselves accountable – that transforms culture into one that is more inclusive, fosters belonging and is psychologically safe for ALL employees.

So then... at the foundational level, as a business leader are you facilitating an environment where every individual feels like they have a stake in the changing of your organization's culture? Ask yourself – why or why not?


Until next month... Be well and stay safe & healthy!